AL283 , AL285

Error 283(AL283), 285(AL285) has occurred.
Please tell me what kind of error it is.

Error 283 (AL283)
Error 283 (AL283) is a software positive limit error.
An error will occur if the current position exceeds the value set in the software positive limit (P5.008).
The initial value of P5.008 is 2147483647(0x7FFFFFFF), so this error will not occur unless you change the initial value.
Error 285 (AL285)
Error 285 (AL285) is a software negative limit error.
An error will occur if the current position exceeds the value set in software negative limit (P5.009).
The initial value of P5.009 is -2147483648(0x80000000), so this error will not occur unless you change the initial value.
If this error occurs even though you do not remember changing the initial value, please check the value of P5.008/009.
The alarm is automatically cleared after the motor moves away from the limit.
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