AL013 , AL014 , AL015

When power was first applied to the servo drive, errors 013 (AL013), 014 (AL014), and 015 (AL015) occurred.
Please tell me what kind of error it is.

Error 013 (AL013) is an emergency stop.
Error 014 (AL014) is a negative limit error
Error 015 (AL015) is a positive limit error.
In the factory settings, these signals are assigned to inputs DI6 to DI8 using B contacts.
Therefore, if the corresponding input is not wired, an abnormal state will occur.
Wire each signal
If you use an emergency stop switch or positive/negative limit, please do the wiring.
When not using each signal
Click “Digital IO / JOG Control” from the KSD-Soft menu.
Assign DI6 to DI8 to “Disabled”.
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