Strange noise coming from the motor

The motor suddenly started making strange noises.
Is it a motor failure?
Please tell me how to check.

The gain adjustment mode (P2.032) of the servo driver is set to “gain adjustment mode 1” by default.
Therefore, the following parameters are automatically adjusted in real time.
P1.037: Load inertia ratio or total weight
P2.000: Position control gain
P2.004: Speed control gain
P2.006: Speed integral compensation
P2.023,043,045,098,101: Notch filter frequency
P2.024,044,046,099,102: Notch filter attenuation level
P2.025: Resonance suppression low-pass filter
P2.049: Speed detection filter and jitter suppression:
P2.089: Command response gain
Please check whether the load status has changed suddenly and readjust each parameter.
For example, these methods are also valid
– Load inertia moment: Return P1.037 to initial value
– Return the servo driver parameters to factory settings (Click here for details)
Click here to learn how to return to the initial values.
For gain adjustment mode, please refer to User’s Manual 5.1.2 List of adjustment modes.
Parameters that are automatically adjusted can be changed by changing the adjustment mode.
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