◆DL05 Type
The DL05 series PLC offers with features you won't find in most bricks - 6 I/O combinations of AC, DC and relay I/O, and advanced programming functions such as PID and drum sequencing.
◆DL06 Type
DL06 is our first micro PLC to combine its fixed I/O of 20 inputs and 16 outputs with four option card slots for expansion (discrete, analog, communication modules), all in the same package. With the DL06, you can use the same PLC panel layout for all applications from 36 to 100 I/O.


DL05 Type

  • 8 inputs and 6 outputs
  • 2K program memory
  • 4K data memory
  • 2 communication ports
  • 129-instructions, including 4 PID loops
  • Removable terminal block
  • 12/24VDC powered versions
  • Discrete and analog I/O option modules
  • Thermocouple and RTD temperature input modules.
  • 1-channel high speed input/pulse output module(H0-CTRIO)
  • Memory cartridge/real-time clock option module
  • CUnet,DeviceNet™ slave,Ethernet,and Profibus option module

DL06 Type

  • 20 inputs and 16 outputs
  • 7.5K program memory
  • 7.3K data memory
  • 2 communication ports,including built-in RS232/RS422/RS485 port
  • 229 instructions, including eight PID loops and ASCII
  • Removable terminal blocks
  • Built-in 3A 24VDC auxiliary power supply for field devices
  • 12/24VDC powered versions
  • Built-in real-time clock/calendar
  • Discrete and analog I/O option modules
  • Thermocouple and RTD temperature input modules.
  • 1-channel high speed input/pulse output module(H0-CTRIO)
  • Memory cartridge/real-time clock option module
  • CUnet,DeviceNet™ slave,Ethernet,and Profibus option module
  • Optional plug-in LCD display

Information of Model Numbers

DL05 Type Self-powered CPU Module

Model Numbers Overview
D0-05DD AC power source【Input】points:8 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source 【Output】points:6 Function:6 to 27V DC Sync
D0-05DD-D DC power source【Input】points:8 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source 【Output】points:6 Function:6 to 27V DC Sync
D0-05DR AC power source【Input】points:8 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source 【Output】points:6 Function:Relay 2A
D0-05DR-D DC power source【Input】points:8 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source【Output】points:6 Function:Relay 2A
D0-05DA AC power source【Input】points:8 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source【Output】points:6 Function:17 to 240V AC
D0-05AD AC power source【Input】points:8 Function:90 to 120V AC【Output】points:6 Function:6 to 27V DC Sync
D0-05AR AC power source【Input】points:8 Function:90 to 120V AC【Output】points:6 Function:Relay 2A
D0-05AA AC power source【Input】points:8 Function:90 to 120V AC【Output】points:6 Function:17 to 240V AC

DL06 Type Self-powered CPU Module

Model Numbers Overview
D0-06DD1 AC power source【Input】points:20 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source 【Output】points:16 Function:6 to 27V DC Sync
D0-06DD1-D DC power source【Input】points:20 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source 【Output】points:16 Function:6 to 27V DC Sync
D0-06DD2 AC power source【Input】points:20 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source 【Output】points:16 Function:12 to 24V DC Source
D0-06DD2-D DC power source【Input】points:20 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source【Output】points:16 Function:12 to 24V DC Source
D0-06DR AC power source【Input】points:20 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source 【Output】points:16 Function:Relay 2A
D0-06DR-D DC power source【Input】points:20 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source【Output】points:16 Function:Relay 2A
D0-06DA AC power source【Input】points:20 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source【Output】points:16 Function:17 to 240V AC
D0-06AR AC power source【Input】points:20 Function:90 to 120V AC【Output】points:16 Function:Relay 2A
D0-06AA AC power source【Input】points:20 Function:90 to 120V AC【Output】points:16 Function:17 to 240V AC

Extension I/O module Input Module

Model Numbers Overview
F0-08NA-1 【Input】Points:8 80 to 132V AC/90 to150V DC
D0-10ND3 【Input】Points:10 12 to 24V DC Sync / source 
D0-10ND3F 【Input】Points:10 12 to 24V DC Sync / source 
D0-16ND3 【Input】Points:16 20 to 28V DC Sync / source
F0-08SIM 【Input】Points:8 Function:Simulator 

Extension I/O module Output Module

Model Numbers Overview
D0-10TD1 【Input】Points:10 Function:6 to 27V DC Sync
D0-10TD2 【Input】Points:10 Function:12 to 24V DC Source 

D0-16TD1 【Output】points:16 Function:6 to 27V DC Sink
D0-16TD2 【Output】Points:16 Function:DC12 to 24V source
D0-08TR 【Output】Points:8 Function:Relay 1A
F0-04TRS 【Output】Points:4 Function:Relay 3A

Extension I/O module Input and Output Module

Model Numbers Overview
D0-08CDD1 【Input】Points:4 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync / source【Output】Points:4 Function:6 to 27V DC Sync
D0-07CDR 【Input】points:4 Function:12 to 24V DC Sync/ source【Output】Points:3 Function: Relay 1A

Extension I/O module Analog Input Module 

Model Numbers Overview
F0-04AD-1 【Input】Points:4 Function:0 to 20mA/4 to 20mA
F0-04AD-2 【Input】Points:4 Function:0~5V DC/0~10V DC
F0-04THM 【Input】Points:4 Function:Thermocouple / Voltage
F0-04RTD 【Input】Points:4 Function:Resistance thermometer bulb

Extension I/O module Special Module

Model Numbers Overview
D0-01MC Calendar / clock / memory cartridge (Usable only on DL05)
D0-06LCD LCD display panel (Usable only on DL06)
D0-HSIO CUnet communication
H0-ECOM100 Ethernet communication 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
D0-DCM Serial communication (2 ports)
D0-DEVNETS DeviceNet slave
H0-CTRIO2 High speed counter input/output

Associated Equipment Peripheral Device

Model Numbers Overview
PC-DSOFT5 Programmer software for computer
D2-HPP Instruction word programmer (Equipped with Z-20JP)
FA-ISOCON RS232 → RS422/RS485 converter
D0-16IOCBL-1 Input/Output cable 1 m for D0-16ND3, D0-16TD1/2
D0-16IOCBL-3 Input/Output cable 3 m for D0-16ND3, D0-16TD1/2

Associated Equipment Cable / Connector for program

Model Numbers Overview
S-9CNS1 Conversion connector between DOS/V and Z-20JP
S-15HCNP1 Convert connector between Z-20JP and PLC general-purpose communication
port (High-density D-sub15 pin)
Z-20JP Programmer connection cable 2 m, modular jack on both ends

Information of Discontinued Model Numbers

Model Numbers Successor Model Information
D2-BAT-1 CR2354

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